Annual Exams and the Results Day Program

girls speaking at the ceremonyLast week the children of Christ Public School took their annual exams for the end of the school term.

Today they held the “Results Day” reward ceremony where the top achievers were given trophies, and every child was given a gift.

It was a wonderful celebration that included various performances including tableaux, dramas, and debates.

Amin thanked his Facebook friends, saying “Hallelujah, Greeting Dear Friends.  We have successful program of Annual result today. Kids performed different Tabloos or Dramas or debates etc. We are thankful to all of you for prayers.”

A tableau, in case you’ve forgotten, is where people wear costumes and pose in a motionless scene for the audience to enjoy. Here are a couple of examples:

children pose in a tableau

children pose on stage

Here is a photo from last week’s annual exam:

Below, the children were completing their test papers last week. It looks like it was a foggy morning in this outdoor courtyard. Notice how some of the students have to sit on the cold brick floor because there are not enough desks or benches.

students are taking an exam

And here are more photos from the Results Day ceremony:

Children spoke or performed while the audience watched.

boys on stage    young kids in the audience

Results Day audience.

Trophies were presented and gifts were distributed.

trophies are ready    boy holding a trophy

boy receiving a trophy    girl receives a trophy

gifts ready to give to the children    trophies being passed out

There was even an appearance by Santa Claus.

Santa showed up

Next week, books for the next term will be distributed to the children from the 28th to the 30th of December. Principal Amin is pointing to this announcement near the bottom of the banner.

banner shows Books Day

Results Day Banner

The books have been purchased on credit and are ready for distributing to the kids.  Amin is very grateful for donations that have been received. He is trusting God to supply the remaining funds, as only a small amount has been received to date.

The first half of the full price will be due next week (December 31), a payment of $1,250. Amin asks for everyone’s prayers, and for  our donations if it is possible.

The remaining half will be due in two “easy” installments, $625 on January 31, and $625 on February 28.

Let’s all help with our prayers, and maybe some of us can also be a part of this miracle for these precious children.