Prayer for Peshawar Army School Kids

Today in School assembly we had a special time of prayer for the Army school kids who were killed in school by terrorists, and for those who are injured and in Hospital,and also for their families, that God Lord Jesus Christ will bless them and comfort them.

Christ Public School Pakistan

No Classes Today Due To Peshawar’s School Attack

Principal Amin Issac reports…

TODAY SCHOOL IS OFF, no classes in school today. We have all classes papers but cancelled the exam for one day, and praying for the Children’s parents and family.

Now the exam results will be announced on 22 December 2014 instead of on 20 December as originally planned.

When I heard news of the Army School Attacked by terrorists on Television, I came to the school office computer to see news on the Internet. When I saw, I fainted. My family took me to the village Doctor. He advised me to stay away from the Internet, but thanks Lord now I am feeling better.

May God comfort all the families in Jesus name Amen.
May the departed souls of those children and staff rest in Heaven, and the injured get well soon in Jesus name Amen.

Christ Public School Pakistan