As you probably know, most roofs in Pakistan are flat. This makes them easily susceptible to leaking.
This brief video shows roof construction of a typical Pakistani roof. Concrete is later mixed and poured over the roof, which is the final step after the base of the roof has been constructed of other materials.
The base of Christ Public School’s roof is constructed of steel girders and bricks. Then the concrete “mason work” goes over that base.
You can see photos of the existing base being constructed in this post from October 2013. But now the rain is already leaking through that roof, built a little less than 3 years ago.
The school’s roof is leaking, and the rainy season is here. Principal Amin Issac gives us a tour to show us the rain damage in this video.
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The audio is a little hard to understand, so here is a transcript/paraphrase of Amin’s narration in the video:
“The classroom walls are broken. The water flowed from the roof, and water is collecting inside the door. The walls are broken, and the floors are also dingy. We are requesting to all… please pray for that roof, that we can quickly make the changes. Pray that Jesus will bless us concerning the needs for the roof. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”
Thanks to $200 from a generous private donor, materials were purchased for repairing the roof and the broken gate. There was no money left for hiring a mason, so everyone (staff and students) pitched in to do the actual work. The kids were very excited that they could help. Rain and hail over the weekend delayed the project. But the repair team was able able to start and complete all the work on Monday, just in time before the Eid holiday began on Tuesday, 15 October.
Painting the girders.
All the kids and teachers were saying thank you for the roof!
Painted girders are ready.
The materials needed were girders, bricks, cement and sand.
This was the process. First, the girders needed to be painted. Then the roof materials were put into place. Bricks were fitted into the girders, and then mason work went onto the top of all this structure. Many hands worked hard all day, and the new roof was completed.
Placing bricks into girders.View from inside, looking up.Kids are so proud they can help!
The students of Christ Public School recently made a video and asked Principal Amin Issac’s Facebook Friends for help in getting them a new school building.
“You can see that the school building is so bad, if rain comes, how will we study in class? And if it fell down, what would happen with us? Also, as you will see in the video, the hot sun comes in through the roof and the children are perspiring. (Even now in October, the temperature in Pakistan reaches 100 degrees.) But soon the cold weather will begin, which will be another challenge. The roof needs to be fixed before then. Facebook Friends, Please save $5 or $10 for us and contact us. God bless you all.”
by: all school kids of CHRIST PUBLIC SCHOOL
The new school year began on schedule in late August, even though heavy rains had damaged the roof just days before. God is faithful, we are confident the needs will be met. Already, a generous donor has made it possible for the roof to be patched, and a broken gate to be repaired. The mason is being hired, and the work will be done within the next 8 days. However, the true dream remains… for a whole new building in the near future.
a boy stands in the courtyard of school looking at water on 28 sep 2013
Rain is a problem for Christ Public School. Some of the classes are held in an outdoor courtyard area. So when there is a lot of rain, classes must be cancelled for that day.
In addition to the outdoor courtyard, the school has had a new problem for the past two months. Due to heavy rains when the new school year began in August, part of the roof in one classroom collapsed. The holes in the roof become larger every time it rains more.
Hole in the roof of one classroom.
Principal Amin Issac stated, “We have again rain on 27 sep night and 28 sep day. Today on 30 again it rained at 11:00am to 1:00 pm; and at 11:15 am I closed school due to rain. Keep us in your prayers. Amen”
Closeup of the hole in the roof.
These photos show the extremely poor condition of the roof. The entire roof needs to be replaced as soon as possible.
But in spite of this concern, classes continue to be held as much as possible. Also, as you saw in our previous posts, Christ Public School recently provided flood relief to another community that was devastated by heavy flooding. Everyone tries to help each other in any way they can, ignoring their own problems for the moment.
You can see daylight coming through several places in the roof.
Principal Amin Issac has faith that God will help them get enough funds to repair the school buildings, especially the roof. If you feel you would like to help with this project, please see our DONATE page for how to send funds by Western Union.
Thank you for your prayers and support.
Update 5 Oct. 2013: Great news! Thanks to a private donor who responded to this need, $200 was sent to Amin yesterday. Soon the roof and also a broken gate will be repaired. Praise God! It is still the dream to someday have a better school building with enough indoor classrooms so that all classes can continue during all types of weather.