The 2020 Project – Big Goals

girls with refreshmentsThere is excitement in the air as the school’s 20th birthday celebration approaches on the 29th of November.

Cake and food will be served, and it will be a very festive time for the students and teachers.

(It’s not too late to send your congratulations and share some love with them.)

Amin has also released a very optimistic list of projects that he is hoping to achieve during the NEW year ahead.  He calls it Our Project For 2020.

This beautiful banner celebrates the 20th Birthday milestone, shows the school’s services, and also shows the ambitious goals they would like to achieve in 2020.

banner for school birthday and Project for 2020

As you can see, Amin wants to continually improve the school.  Over the past twenty years, the school has been able to educate an increasing number of children each year.

boys enjoying foodThe lunch program didn’t exist at all until 8 or 9 years ago, and at the beginning they were only feeding 8 children who had no one at home to give them lunch.

Improvements have been made to the building, in addition to whatever repairs are sometimes needed.

Amin is eager to expand even more and be able to once again increase the number of students this year from 250 to 300 students. They plan to add 3 more classrooms, and start computer classes and sewing classes to help equip the older students for success.

Thanks so much for keeping these projects in your prayers! As always, if you would like to help with the finances, you can use the Donate button on the right.

Don’t forget to go on Amin’s Facebook page and tell the school “Happy Birthday!”

Thanksgiving blessingAnd finally, have a very
Happy Thanksgiving!

school children enjoying food

The School’s 20th Birthday!

Christ Public School will be celebrating it’s 20th anniversary next week.  The school was founded by Principal Amin Issac 20 years ago, on November 29th.

Amin has invited all of his Facebook Friends to celebrate along with the school and be the “Respected Chief Guests” at the school’s birthday party.

image of Facebook invitation
Amin Invites His Facebook Friends To The Birthday Party

Since most of us won’t be able to attend in person, we can send our thoughts and prayers and congratulations to Amin and the kids, to let them know we’re happy for them.

What an amazing thing to be running a school for so many years while having to depend on God every step of the way, and being continually blessed by people who want to help achieve the mission.

Birthday cake, as well as food, will be served to all the 250 school children and the staff.  It is sure to be a wonderful celebration.  Thanks to everyone who is helping to make this possible!

Jackets Day Joy

children receiving jackets
Excited About Jackets

The recent Jackets Day was a success.  Amin was able to give out 100 jackets to the children who needed them the most.

Here are some more photos depicting some of the special moments during the October 31st celebration.

boy receiving jacket  girl receives a jacket

images of jackets distribution

It is hard to tell who was more joyful – the children or Principal Amin.  It is obvious that Amin is very happy to be able to bless the children, and you can see that he really cares about them.

Thanks so much to everyone who helped to make this special event possible with your prayers and support.

Jackets Day 2019

The weather is rapidly becoming colder in Pakistan, just as in many other parts of the world.  Last year, Principal Amin was able to provide 100 jackets to some of the orphan and poor children who attend Christ Public School.

school children in assemblyThis year they hope to present another 150 jackets to the remaining 150 children.

This special “Jackets Day” was originally scheduled to be held in late November. However, the weather is changing so rapidly this year that the date has been moved to October 31.

The cost of one jacket with the school monogram is $7.00.  Amin requests that people pray for the success of this program, and if possible, donate enough for purchasing several jackets. “God bless you in Jesus’ name. Amen.”  (Principal Amin Issac)

Here is a photo collage of previous Jackets Day ceremonies from some of the past years, as posted on Amin’s Facebook page:

Earthquake Damage 9/24/19

A Magnitude 5.6 earthquake struck Pakistan on Tuesday, September 24th.  This photo was taken near the epicenter.

Thank God for no loss of life at Christ Public School, but there is damage to the walls and roof overhang.

Amin is very concerned, since children play under those walls and roofs.  It will require $600 to repair the cracked walls.

Please pray for the safety of everyone at the school, and for the necessary funds to become available for the repairs.

Here is a closeup of one of the cracked walls:



Thank you to everyone who is able to help… and thank you for the prayers.

Amin has posted a brief video on his Facebook timeline:


New Notebooks for the New Semester

Presenting Notebook to a boy.It is time to supply new notebooks to the children for the final semester of 2019.

(The Pakistani school year coincides with the calendar year, with the new school year beginning in January.)

Notebook Cover Design

This is the new cover design… isn’t it beautiful?  The writing is in both English and Urdu.


Here is what the cover from the previous term looked like:

Notebook Cover - Old
2nd Term Notebook Cover

As you can see, the new design is a nice change for the children, even though the previous design was also beautiful.

Amin is very thankful to our Lord Jesus Christ that enough notebooks were supplied for the 2nd Term, which is now ending.

Now he needs to purchase 1,000 notebooks for the final semester that runs from 20 September to 20 December. He is requesting us to join him in buying the notebooks for the kids.

The need is urgent, as he needs the money by September 20th.

Stack of Notebooks
Previous Term Notebooks

Every $1.00 received will purchase 3 books, so everything counts. Don’t hold back just because maybe you can’t send very much.  All donations are welcome, and God will help the funds to multiply and be enough.

“I request to all my friends, join me in prayers and send your generous love gifts for notebooks, if possible. God bless you.”

To donate securely through Paypal, simply click on the Donate button at the top right of this page.

“Our work depends upon faith; we are nothing without your love support and prayer support.  God bless you, Friends.”  ~ Amin Issac

Susan’s Video

Image from VideoOne of Amin’s friends, Susan Moss Jenkins, made a beautiful video asking her friends to help fund an air conditioner for Amin and the school. (You can see her heartfelt video on the Donate page.)

As she explains in the video, Amin’s health has been suffering, and the extreme heat in Pakistan is making it difficult for the required medicine to work properly to help him.

The well-done sequence of photos in the film gives many glimpses into the school’s daily life and recent history. Every shot with the children’s sweet faces is precious.

video scene of Amin and orphan girlThis is one of my favorite scenes from the video, because I remember this adorable little girl who found a special place in my heart. She came to the school a few years ago, shortly after both of her parents had died tragically. She was staying with her grandmother, and was so thrilled to be able to come to the school.

In this photo, she was so new to the school that she didn’t have a uniform yet. But her face shows the joy of being loved and accepted, even though she was certainly sad over the recent loss of both parents.

This is the perfect photo to illustrate just how big Amin’s heart is… no matter how little funding he has, or what health challenges he is facing, he just can’t turn away a child who is hurting.

Thank you, Susan, for creating and sharing this excellent video!

Summer Vacation is Something NEW in Pakistan

Pakistan news article about summer vacations
News Article May 17, 2019

Pakistan has changed their school calendar this year. Up until now, schools have operated on a year-round schedule, with only very short breaks a few times during the year.

But things are changing.

Due in part to the changing climate and increasingly hot summers each year, the government is now mandating a summer vacation for all schools and colleges.

In Punjab province, where Christ Public School is located, the schools will be closed from June 1 to August 14 for summer vacation.

Example of a Workbook
Example of a Summer Vacation Home Workbook

But learning will continue while the students are at home, because Summer Vacation Home Workbooks will be sent home with the children. These will contain specific lessons that need to be completed – at each grade level – during the 10 week break.

Principal Amin has asked for our prayers and help in providing workbooks for 250 children, costing $2.00 per child. The workbooks must be procured before the end of this month.

Example of Summer Vacation Workbook
Another Example of the Workbooks To Be Ordered

If you’re able to help, please donate as soon as possible so that Amin will have time to place his order and receive the books prior to May 31st. Amin says, “It’s very compulsory for each child. God bless you.”

As always, Amin and the children are very grateful for all the prayers and support from so many people who care.